Thursday, July 26, 2007

My latest driving test

I had a pop driving test recently. Diana and Gus and I went to IKEA and I was driving. After a few minutes, Gus informed me that he was giving me a driver's test. I wasn't sure what he meant until the piece of paper below was passed up to the front seat.

My examiner told me that an X meant I failed that portion and a check meant I passed. So my first X was for starting -- in my defense, I haven't driven a stick shift in a long time, so I did sort of pop it in to gear. The second X was for my seatbelt -- I was wearing it the whole time, but I did adjust it at a traffic light. This is apparently a violation of driving rules. And the last X, for "not speeding," I just have to take responsibility for. I am a little bit of a lead foot. I will have to try harder.

I'm keeping it on the fridge to remind me to follow the rules of the road. Thanks, Gus, for keeping me safe!


Cat said...

Well, he is accurate. I remember a certain someone ENCOURAGING me to run a red light.

Watch out...he may show up in your kitchen to give you a POP COOKING TEST! (no double licking!)

diana said...

That driving test made me wet my pants laughing, except he was so serious I didn't want him to notice me.

As far as cooking, Gus is the master of the 5-second rule, or the 10-second rule, or the 15-second rule. He is a 7-yr-old boy, after all. You would probably get points taken off for "Not Enough Chocolate Chips" or "Not Putting Ketchup on Sausage" [ew].