Monday, January 15, 2007

Meet My New TV Chef Husband! (Click)

I'm nothing if not flexible. Good riddance Tyler!! HeLLOOO MING!


diana said...

YAY!!!!! I love my new brother-in-law!!

Cat said...

Congrats. What time should should I be there for the celebration dinner?

Liberty Fan said...

I think he's a wonderful choice. He is soooooo nice. And he doesn't always touch the food and wipe it on his shirt like Tyler does!!!

CurlyGirl said...

Ew, I don't think I ever noticed that very unhygienic habit!

Ming's site does mention Polly Tsai, but who cares. Maybe its his sister. Yeah, thats it. Its his sister!

Liberty Fan said...

I think that is his major - poly sci. Oh, I slay me!

Cat said...

"I'm nothing if not flexible" - especially at restaurants!

"Would you like cilantro?.... Lemon?.... Coconut?...."

"No thanks, but order anything. I'm not fussy."

CurlyGirl said...

um, for the record, i LIKE lemon, but not calimari.

and not mushrooms

ooh, or curry.

wa ha ha!!

and not big rolls

(or things I have to bite into!)


but really, I'm flexible.

Cat said...

"...and waiter, if you take off that large hawaiian print's giving me a headache...."

diana said...

"Ming, dearest, would you please chop things up into tiny bite size pieces, that I don't really have to bite into, and make sure there's no cilantro. And please try to ignore my sister, who's standing behind me gazing at you adoringly..."

diana said...

Oh, and ELC - polly tsai - his major? I rolled around laughing on the floor!!! RALONTF!!

CurlyGirl said...

I've never been bothered by any waitperson's attire (or the waiter's clothes)!

But remember when you and I went to the Mex restaurant up your way and the waiter accidentally put his finger in the salsa and then he left the salsa on the table as he licked his finger and walked away???!??! Yuk!

Cat said...

And what was it you tried in the "wining and dining" school? I was very proud (and shocked!) when you told me.

See what TF is missing? Maybe we'll send a Tide Pen for a wedding gift.

And just for the record, I tried his "Ultimate Cheesecake" and it had WAY too much lemon. Mine still beats, add LIAR to the list.

We've got your back, sistah.

Cat said...

I had forgotten about that SALSA disaster..and that was the part of the meal we were most looking forward to...the ENDLESS CHIPS AND SALSA!

"Course him" Greg would say. Some day we'll go to the Bronx and find his real parents.

CurlyGirl said...

Let's see, while I was at the Culinary Institute I ate fois gras, quail, cactus, rabbit, rabe, calimari, dandelion salad, caviar and jicama among many other things.

Not bad for a fussy eater!