Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Not Druids or Anything...

Cuz posted!! It was a lot of fun, wasn't it? I like an evening celebrating me!!

So last night when the storms rolled through, we lost a bunch of tree limbs that were too big for Mom and me to move ourselves. So she called the tree people (not druids or anything, or the creepy red-eyed creatures from the x-files, but people who trim trees for a living!) They have been up in our trees for a good hour now cutting out dead/dangerous limbs. Its so interesting to watch! And a little disturbing to see all the daggers that have been apparently dangling overhead while we've been enjoying our lawn.

And in other disturbing news, Earl licked the heel of my flip-flop until he got so tired he had to take a nap. Weird.

Do we need to discuss the president? I have to say that for me it was more disturbing to see him chewing with his mouth open than to hear him swear. Sigh.

Hey, remember when I was in Napa?

1 comment:

Liberty Fan said...

Very fun! Remember my peeps post? I love to post! The flip-flop activity was the most disturbing event of your post, Curlygirl!!!