Friday, April 04, 2008

Bush's Leg

I promise to stop putting up "how cute is my dog" posts, but I just got my movie viewing softward up and working. When they had the office shower for him, they gave him a t-shirt that said "I'm probably not listening to you." He probably wasn't! But the funny thing was that one of his most favorite toys when he was little was what was left of a George Bush chew toy. He carried the leg around for days. Sayles the cat is about 20 years old, so she isn't really interested in Cardiff or Bush's leg.


CurlyGirl said...

OH MY GODDDD!!! SO CUTE!!! I love the whole chewing on Bush's leg thing -- its so delightfully warped!

And I like how he's all, "Come on Sayles! Don't you love that I'm playing near you?!?! Oops! Too close - sorry! Here, I'll just move a little bit away from you... Isn't this fun, Sayles??!!"

diana said...

"Bush's Leg is most FUN TOY EVER!!! Sayles! SAYLES! LET'S PLAY WITH BUSH'S LEG!!!"

Another head-exploding moment. And the t-shirt rocks!

CurlyGirl said...

I just watched this again, and I love that there's a moment when Sayles looks at the camera like, "are you kidding me with this guy??" Wa ha ha ha!!! Looking forward to more video posts of Cardiff and Friends!!