So Candy took a cab to the hospital and RAN in! Apparently Patrick Ewing showed up later on his own.

"Um, HELLO! I just had a baby! See?! Could you PLEASE move out of the way??" In-laws. Hmpf.

Oh. Candy. Don't leave the baby there.

That's better. Presenting....HORATIO!

Across the street, Gordon Ramsey and Hubert Keller moved in. In the morning, Hubert was sizing up his roommate like he was taking a movie of him. Awkward.

"I always wanted to be a conductor!"

"Really?? Me too!!!"

Here's the view from the Ramsey-Keller house. Not bad.

They went visiting neighbors. Uh, Hubert? Please step back from the door a bit.

Hubert cried when Jamaica said hello to Gordon first. Whoa! Emotional much?

Gordon started flirting with Elle while Dr. Drew was right there (ALSO talking about being a conductor! What's the deal with that?)! (While Heidi Klum danced with some spiky mohawked dude.)

Now they're dancing together? Hello!?! Dr. Drew???

Elle walked out of the room, and Heidi walked up and awkwardly started playing the guitar. It was a little weird. Gordon was very polite about it.

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