Here's the dorm-style house I created to put ALL the sims in. Alas, it wasn't to be. Sims won't allow me to put that many in one place.

Nina Garcia and Mr. Jay have been having trouble getting along...

Sally Edwards made Tyra pee! She had Tyra cornered and she couldn't get to the bathroom. Mr. Jay laughed. Not very nice.

Nina and Jay -- still not getting along.

This is cute. Since the first night, Tyson Beckford and Sally Edward have been sharing a bed. Its purely platonic so far. There just aren't enough beds for everyone. (See Tyra heading up the stairs?)

Tony Bourdain and Padma went to a cafe for a food eating contest (Padma won!), but Tony kept picking fights with dudes walking by. The funny thing is that both times the other dude kicked Tony's butt!

Another fight...

Sally Edwards and her roomies went to meet the Top Chef house. They all jumped in the pool. Hello, Mr. Jay!

You can see the stink rising off Padma. Take a shower, girl!

Here's the gang milling around getting to know each and complaining about hunger.

Finally some of them sat down to eat. Someone broke the dishwasher though -- see the water on the floor?

Sally Edward meeting Hubert as Padma and Tony look on.

Ta-ta for now!
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