But then, there's this:

What the heck are these? They appeared behind our building about a week ago. At first I thought it was one of the tenants getting rid of stuff. But it's still there. It makes me extremely uneasy. I don't understand the point of them. Is it supposed to be cute? its just kind of disturbing. And the tenants, who moved in a few months ago, seem really nice and normal. I don't know what to make of it, so I had to share it with you.
Okay, first of all WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
And second of all, I THINK THOSE ARE THE BEST THINGS EVER, whatever they are! You should hang them up in your apartment! Or bring them here - Matthew would LOVE them in the front yard!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
I would like to second the first: wooooooohooooooo!!!!!!! Yay Phillies! Yippeee.
As to the second: Maybe you should send them up north where they'll be appreciated. I think they are the oddest things I have ever seen. Are they the sex-kitten children of the wooden old lady bent over in the garden???????
Whenever I was with Mom and saw one of those bent-over ladies with the bloomers, I'd shout, "OOOOH!! I want one of those for our yard!!" and she'd say, "NOOOOOOO!!!!!"
I think she thought I was serious. Maybe I was.....
I think that you were.....
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