I could hardly stand the excitement. Everyone knew that while I missed Miss Gibbs terribly, I was eagerly anticipating the arrival of my little Norwich. They had a shower for me at the office because I had been so quiet about expecting him.

Then we got the official notice of the time Cardiff's flight would arrive. He had to fly from Missouri to Detroit and from Detroit to Elmira. So we discovered he had been flying around for two days. The flight arrived, everyone's baggage came out, and we heard nothing about our little package. FINALLY, after about 30 minutes, we go to the ticket counter, and on the floor is the tiniest crate we have ever seen. Colleen and I both let out a groan that was a mix of relief and wonderment at the cuteosity of the tiny crate! I opened up the crate and way in the back was little (3 lbs.) Cardy. Then we realized we knew true cuteosity. He was adorable! I thought he would be traumatized from flying, but he simply looked out at me, and when I backed up from the crate, he came bounding out to explore the airport! Talk about love at first sight! I was smitten. So here are some random shots of his arrival.
He has grown quickly, gotten much more blonde (!) and has been very busy. He has come to work with me many times. Now, no one really cares if I'm at the office if I haven't brought him.

He has been invited to dinner and shown himself to be a polite yet insistent guest!
He helps with laundry.
He is a wonderful lookout.

He also loves his Elmira pals.

He LOVES the snow. I'm almost (very ALMOST) sorry the snow will be going away because he has such fun in it. We had another surprise two inches this morning simply for his frolicking pleasure!
And he wonders what I'm doing with the camera sometimes!
So that's my little guy, and I can't wait for you all to meet him in person!
Oh my god!!! Little Cardiff is soooo cute!!! I can't wait to meet him either!!! I love how the photo of his Elmira friends is all blurry! Thank you so much for posting photos!!
No "pun" intended. WA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
My computer screen blew up from his extreme level of cuteosity! KA-POWEY! It's so nice you can take him to work!
Now bring him down here so we can see you both!!!
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