Until I got these in the mail on Friday. -- Beautiful personalized stockings for me AND my pets!!
The person who sent these shall remain nameless (CATHY! THE BEST FRIEND A GIRL CAN HAVE!!!) It was so thoughtful and caring. She knows what a tough time I'm having. So I couldn't have these beautiful Christmas stockings and not make the most of them. I went out yesterday, bought a tree, and VOILA!
This is the first artificial tree I've ever had, and I kind of like it! It set up pretty easily, and I don't have to water it!
Remember these?
The Bess Angel Ornament
The Bess Shopping Ornament
And one of my favorites, the little weird pink-haired ornament!
It's still a tough adjustment, but knowing that I have a friend like Cathy makes everything a little easier.
If I could only ship myself in a box - with a caroling book and some cookies and hot cocoa!!
You know what's funny, we have a "pink haired" ornament also! (but it doesn't have pink hair and looks NOTHING like yours) - but it's still the crazy ornament that everyone LOVES!
I miss you so much. Someday, we'll live so close, I'll be able to see the lights of your artificial Christmas tree. And then I'll look out my OTHER window and see Momogus taking all sorts of crazy pictures! AND WE'LL ALL MEET ON THE FRONT PORCH AND HAVE PUDDING!
CATHY YOU DOTH ROCKETH ROYALLY!!! Thank you so much for taking such good care of CurlyGirl.
(That pink-haired ornament is so famous it made me laugh out loud!)
(The house across the street from me is still for sale. I'm just sayin'...)
Cathy you are the living spirit of Christmas!!! CG, I have to tell you that my favorite Jordan ornament of all was the Benjamin Bunny Bag o' Treats. I was up one year for the decorating ceremony, and, DJ, blast from the past, Mark put it on the tree!!! I still laugh about that lovely and festive "droppings" ornament!
Happy New Year to you all!
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