It's time for go-sees, Sydney style! The girls are sent off with a map, some addresses, and a cab. And, of course, a drop-dead deadline for being back to the agency where they started. Renee, Jaslene, and Natasha are generally impressive to the designers, while Dionne is impressive to me for the way she wrangles some free clothes. And then, there is Brittany. She seems to have a hard time actually finding her destinations, even when she's on the right street, and fails to impress even one of the designers. She tries to squeeze in one last go-see when, as any good student of ANTMs past could tell you, she should have hoofed it back to the agency, and when her cab driver fails to read her mind, she fails to make her deadline. And then, she goes ape-s__t. She cries, throws her portfolio, and uses almost continuous expletives to describe her cab driver, and the best part is that everyone who DID make it on time and is inside of the agency -- including the agency's director -- can totally hear her. Natasha was one minute late and also disqualified, but handles it all in style. Jaslene ends up winning the challenge, and she and Dionne get a bonus shoot at the top of the Sydney Harbor Bridge. The photo shoot for the week is two-fold: the girls have to pose in bathing suits with a male model first for a "soft/sexy" shoot that would appear in a women's magazine (photographed by Tyra), and then pose for a "just plain sexy/ho-style" shoot for a men's magazine. For the most part the girls do well, though Dionne gets a lot of criticism for looking mean. At judging, Jaslene, Natasha and Renee jump to the head of the pack. Dionne's struggles at the photo shoot put her in the bottom two. But though Brittany's photos are great, as usual, personality deficiency coupled with the fact that not one of the go-see designers said that they would book her puts her in the bottom two again, and she goes home. Luckily, tomorrow she won't even remember she was on the show at all.
See ya Brit!

1 comment:
That is the best recaplet! I'm glad she was the one who had to go home from afar. And the picture you chose? Peeeerrrrrfffffect!
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