So here I am posting on our blog, using my new high speed internet, uploading a picture that I took with my new camera phone of my new car that has XM satellite radio! I feel so gadgety I may just pass out. I would like to thank MM and Mother for your kind offers to pick me up so I could open all of my new bank accounts. It helped to make me feel less isolated up here in the mountains. I'm reveling in my revitalized sense of independence with my sporty new little red car. Zippy is the feeling I'm trying to describe - zoom, zoom!
I can't tell what kind of car it is. Please give details.
And you are so next millenium with all your technology!
I planted your daffodils this weekend -- mostly around the Red Bud tree near the garage (the tree was a gift to Mom.) Can't wait till spring!
It's a Chevy Cobalt. 4-door. It will take some adjusting after my wonderful, beautiful, non-working RAV, but I'm ready for a little thing that is great on gas. It also has all these special little things like auto sensor headlights (it senses the light and turns on your headlight and back lights and when you turn it off, they go off). Mr. Chevy must have known me personally as I'm famous for leaving my lights on. "Can anyone give me a jump?" was always merely automotively functional for me!!!
I'm so happy they're planted, Curlygirl. I hope they make you smile in the spring. I put some in the front of my place so they'll brighten up the building!
Amazing the difference a week makes! I wasn't feeling so lucky by the side of the highway wondering what that mysterious, mechanical cough was!
I certainly do feel lucky again, though. For good friends and extras!!!! While I only play a meteorologist on TV (and in the privacy of my own home), I LOVE that one of the extras is the outside temperature! I check it compulsively! Unfortunately, I don't have a hot seat - in any way, shape or form. It's more of a plain bucket!
Hey, everybody, wait for me!!!! It's already Saturday and I'm just catching up!
Cugina, I waited for you last Saturday to drive you to Braintree Bank to switch our accounts but you never showed up. You must have been too busy buying your new shiny car! I ate all the free donuts anyway.
(Matthew planted our daffodils a couple of weeks ago, too!)
MO5 - that is the most excellent story!!!!! How soon can I meet all those fashionable and famous celebrity sons of yours?????
And MM thanks so much for waiting for me. I hope the donuts were wonderful. You're very good to me - even though I got caught up in the moment with my zippy car and went to PA instead of MA.
Those afros have mystical powers.
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