Well, I've been waiting to post because I wanted to include photos from my mighty birthday celebration. So I finally got the pix developed (yes, I don't have a digital camera!), and my new husband, Erik Disk Warrior fixed my computer which unexpectedly went on the fritz on Thursday. But now the scanner seems not to have recovered from whatever was wrong with computer. Sigh. So no birthday pix, yet.
So here is another entertaining photo for you to enjoy...

Could I be more impressed by my talented sister?? Come on! She can stick a balloon to her face! And it just stays there! No hands! I might even let go of my pencil collection (wah???) I'm so distraced.
Wow - check out my groovy scarf! No wonder I was subject of awe to you!!
As always, you both look absolutely groovy, but DJ, your psychic control of the balloon while smiling enigmatically is very scary!
Speaking of groovy....SCHOOL PICTURES ARE TOMORROW! Phillip asked that I wake him early so that we can "blow out the fro" - and of course we WILL!! He wants it to be SUPER BIG. Joe started a "FRO CLUB" and each Wednesday, if you are a club member, you may TOUCH the fro! I think they would have fit right in at the birthday party of balloon tricks and pencil collections.....Joe may have even given DJ a little competition in the scarf department!
Please post the pics, will you?!!! I have a running timeline thanks to Curlygirl measured in the hairstyles! Someday I would love to actually meet them all!
Well, to make things even more HIP- I had a mini-beauty salon - or SALON DE' BEAUTE' - (is that right LJ?) - in my kitchen last night. Freddy went TOTALLY blue and Joe did just a TOUCH of the red in back. It matched his vibrant rainbow plaid shirt! Quite the clown car we are pulling up at school......I actually giggled all the way home today (in my pj's, pink crocs and up-do!)
If someone can teach me HOW to attach a Pic, I would love to show all the "men" off!
THE FRO WAS MAGNIFIQUE!!!! NB, you MUST attach pix! Or I will on TMM.
LJ, why do you never wear nice frilly dresses anymore with maryjanes? I think you could still pull them off.
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