So Momogus and I are learning how to play Mah-jongg. You MUST learn!! Its a little bit of a brain twister but I think we're hooked. I just got a Mahjongg set from Ebay! Did you know that there are a series of passes in Mahjongg that is called The Charleston??? Excellent!
And in other news, I'm doing a wedding cake for a co-worker of Momogus's. Her wedding is in June. I'm doing a dry run this weekend. So if you feel like popping down on Sunday, there will be LOTS of cake!

"Oh no! We've got cats in the refrigerator again!"
I knew you would keep me on the right track (while still acknowledging the oddness, so I wouldn't feel like Satan!). I can't be there this weekend, but are you doing fabulous Memorial day things for all?
And the refrigerator - Earl or Viv?
...And I always wanted to learn Mahjongg. Even more now that I know it has things like the Charleston!!!
Good luck with pilot testing cakes!
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