I thought to lighten things up a little, I'd repost one of the earliest entries on this blog. Ah, remember when we were all so young and innocent?? Enjoy:
November 17, 2005
I was talking to Mom'o'us tonight about the joys of bacon -- telling her about your friend's blog where she said "If I was a vegan, I'd still eat bacon." (I almost wrote, "If I was a bacon..." WA HA HA!!!) Anyway, so I was sharing with Mom the first time I had an egg salad with bacon sandwich. Yummm!!!! I'll set the scene. It was probably 6 years ago (did I tell you this? Oh well.) and I was working a temp job at GE Insurance where they had a giant cafeteria. So the person in front of me at the sandwich station orders an egg salad with bacon sandwich. My eyes widen at the thought. I'd never heard of such a magnificent idea! But of course, it makes sense -- bacon and eggs. But on a sandwich? So I quickly ordered the same thing and hurried to my table (I'm glad I was by myself this day, preventing anyone I knew from witnessing my total sandwich gooniness!) Sigh. It was as good as I had hoped. Mmmmm. I had to keep myself from getting the cholesteral-busting meal every single day! I actually haven't had one in a long time as its a bit labor intensive when someone isn't preparing it for you. But it was definitely a red-letter day.
"Oh no! Not the long orchestrion again!"