ok, for some reason I am really bothered by all the figure skaters grabbing their skates. They seem to be doing it more and more. Like so...

or this...

I don't know why it bugs me, but it does. Girls, what do you think?
Oh! Did you watch the ladies short program last night? Some skater from Europe was performing. She was so-so. Sandra Bezic (sp?) was saying how she's 27 and this is her third Olympics and she's been competing for 12 years. And to toss a nice comment the skater's way, since the skating wasn't that great, Sandra says something like, "There are some athletes who just love to go to the rink and practice everyday." You know, the skater just loves to skate and compete and winning isn't the end all be all, blah, blah, blah. So Dick Button replies, "Well maybe instead of just practicing everyday, she should think about what she's doing." Wa ha ha ha ha!!! There is silence in response to his comment. (You know Scott Hamilton and Sandra Bezic are like, Whoa Dick! Ease up!) So then Dick says, "I hope that doesn't sound unkind." More awkward silence. IT WAS EXCELLENT!!!!