Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Cuz, this one is for you!

Remember Pixie-Headed Noel??!?

Look! Its her!!
Click here

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Remember? "Stuckey's is a pain in the neck." -- Dad
Today we got a GIANT honey-glazed spiral-cut ham delivered to the family from my favorite Godfather. So Mom (apparently a bit fuzzy brained by the sight of all the pig) said to me, "are you going to call Uncle Ham?" I told her that I didn't think he would want us to call him that. WA HA HA HA!!!
Which one of your four stomachs???? I was just enjoying Baruchito's blog - Thoughts of a hamster. It's excellent. He reports about Papa.
All fire departments on alert tonight as I'm making cookies for the office....the scary Martha Stewart.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Low-Singing Christmas Decoration Tour NEVER disappoints!

Let's see --
Starbucks trying to pawn off the MOCHA peppermint cocoa, AGAIN!
"Oh no! Not the blue lights again."
"Look! Its waving Santa! Hi Santa!!"
"Look, its waving Santa again. Hi Santa."
"Oh no, not waving Santa again. Turn the other way!"
"That's the creepy creche."
"Didn't you like that inflatable tree last year?"
"Creche on a picnic table!"
"The end of Chris's street is creepy."
"The albino creche." (we're definitely going to hell!)
"Where is the creepy street from last year?" "Why did we think this was creepy?"
"Remember where I thought it was a drug deal going down? Let's go there!" "Its a park -- AAAHHHHH!!!"

ahhh, the fun. Can't wait until next year!
(when I spellchecked this, it wanted me to replace "ahhh" with "ahoy." Isn't that excellent?! AHOY!

Friday, December 16, 2005

Have to say, making chocolate holiday sugar cookies with The Boy = messy + fun!!! Love him!!!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Happy Birthday To YOU!
Happy Birthday To YOU!
Happy Birthday Dear Momogusssss!!!!!
Happy Birthday To YOUUUU!!!!
And many more.....
And she lives down our alley......

Happy birthday dear sister!

By the way, when I called the vets to make an appointment for O to get his special bath, when I said his name the girl said, "O the Corgi??!!" I said, "yes. Is he famous there?" and she responded, "Yes he is! He is so sweet!" Isn't that nice? The fact that they like him, not the fact that he goes to the vets so much that he's "famous" there.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Emergency ROOM (Noah Wyle is on E.R., not E.W.)

The Weasel

So when The Boy came over yesterday, he brought that Weasel toy (the one attached to the ball with the motor in it.) In the afternoon he had the weasel going in and out of all the kitchen cabinets and drawers. He and I both got distracted by the cake-making and forgot about the weasel, who had last been hiding in the placemat drawer. So this morning Mom goes to get placemats to set the table and sees what she thinks is a tail of a GIANT rodent-type animal. She said she closed the drawer really fast and then slowly reopened it, and only then did the ball roll forward and she realized it was The Boy's toy. But for a few brief moments, she had the bejesus scared out of her! She brought it upstairs to show me and we put it in the towel closet. Watch out Dad!!!
I think you and Mom are the only two people I know who refer to the Emergency "Ward." I'm glad Hub is feeling better. Did he get the creepy blood pressure guy? WA ha ha ha!! And the sound-proof curtains?!

And I was wondering what YOU were teaching him about the reindeer!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

While babysitting The Boy today, we were looking at the decorations on the dining room table -- santa in a wooden sleigh with two reindeer. The Boy said, pointing to each of the deer, "this one is Donner and this one is Nixon." Excellent!

Plus you should know that he was just a pleasure to hang out with -- very cooperative and fun!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Hola Cugine!!!

I was the northern holiday/christmas/hannukah/kwanzaa/Greek Orthodox (hope that was comprehensive enough) elf on Wednesday. I took the day off and we planned on being NYC tourists. However, our mukluks weren't warm enough, so we did the tree and whole house (apt.) in festive decorations. It is lovely, if I do say so myself.

Never got hooked on Model, but thanks to you two I cannot miss House. Shamefully, I can tell you everything you never wanted to know about either Apprentice show. (That is only to be known within these walls - okay!?!)

Can't wait to see you.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

As we discussed by phone, Nicole won ANTM. Bleh. She just seemed a little vapid and whiny to me. Oh well.

So I put up the tree last night, and today I put the lights on. It makes me very happy. Other Sister says I'm the Christmas Elf (or Holiday Elf?) -- I think I may be. I love putting up the lights and tree, our low-singing drive, wrapping gifts... So now the tree sits all sparkly, waiting for ELC and The Boy to hang the ornaments. Yea!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

TONIGHT? Season finale of America's Next Top Model, Apprentice: Martha, AND the season premier of Project Runway -- Girls, its a full-on reality evening! (Can you see the big "L" on my forehead? You know what? I don't care!)

Also, we're having a little trouble with Earl. He is constantly mugging poor little plastic Santa (that sits in the little wooden sleigh on the diningroom table) and stealing the plastic bag of toys. We've tried putting the Feliz Navidad singing Cactus in there like a body guard. That seems to work for the most part -- we can hear the singing cactus whenever Earl tries to "be-tack" (in the words of The Boy) Santa. I think we have to talk with Earl about the Christmas spirit.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Momogus is certainly the navicator, but NOT the driver! Remember sitting tooo close to the steering wheel with the white-knuckle grip? And seeing the work crew and taking the turn on two wheels? "IT'S A CHAIN GANG!!!" And, shall I say it again, making your poor new car start in THIRD gear?!?!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Good morning!! Now that I've stopped grinning with delight after reading this best-ever blog, I just wanted to add.....
Remember when you were "navikator to the gods???" Whaa, haa, haaa!!!
Good morning! Just wanted to let you know that I invited our most favorite and cherished cousin to join RTB! Woohoo!

Hey, remember you trying to enter fast moving traffic in third gear?!? unnngggghhhh!!! Wa ha ha!!